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      45 bewaffnete Bodyguards mit Sprengstoff-Spürhunden sollen für zusätzliche Sicherheit sorgen, wenn sich die 200 Leichtathleten der USA auf Kreta in einem Trainingslager auf die Olympischen Spiele in Athen vorbereiten. Bereits vor Ort waren FBI-Agenten, um die Sicherheits- und Schutzmaßnahmen zu planen.

      Hier der Originalbericht von CNN:

      ‚Armed guards‘ for U.S. Olympians

      ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Armed U.S. agents will watch over American athletes during a major pre-Olympic training camp that will include most of the nation’s athletics team. Allowing the armed escorts on the southern island of Crete could mark a possible gray area in Greece’s Olympic security policies, which permit only domestic forces to have weapons.

      Greek police spokesman Col. Lefteris Ikonomou repeated the government’s position that no foreign agents can carry guns during the August 13-29 Games. He refused, however, to comment on arrangements before the opening ceremony. A senior Greek security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the AP that at least 45 U.S. agents will accompany the American athletes and support staff to Crete beginning in early August and "about 24 of them will have a permit by Greek authorities to carry weapons."

      The U.S. athletics team has about 200 members in addition to trainers and others. The security force will also have dogs trained to detect explosives, said the source, who is familiar with the training camp. The official also said FBI agents visited Crete recently to work out details of the security plan. Extra security could be sought for training facilities since most of Greece’s police and armed forces are currently concentrated on Athens.

      The U.S. training site on Crete also may showcase the delicate balance in Athens: Greece’s desire to control security weighed against the demands of the United States and other governments seeking specialized protection. It was not immediately clear whether other nations also will seek to bring armed security personnel to training sites. Also it was not certain if armed U.S. escorts would be used in other sites outside Crete.

      Greek officials feel such a plan would undermine their authority and could lead to incidents from foreign guards unfamiliar with the local environment, such as frequent street demonstrations, small firebombs from anarchist groups or motor scooter drivers going on sidewalks to avoid traffic. Bob Condron, spokesman for the U.S. Olympic Committee, declined to comment on the presence of armed U.S. guards on Crete, but noted "there is a security situation in place."

      "The entire track and field team will be working out on Crete before the competition," Condron said in a phone interview from the committee’s headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He said most of the athletes "will live in Crete and they will train on Crete for up to two weeks."

      The U.S. women’s soccer team is also expected to stay on the island. On Aug. 11, the United States faces Greece in the opening preliminary round match in the city of Iraklion. Some soccer matches take place before the games officially open.

      The Greek security official said the U.S. security detail is expected to be based on the western city of Hania, near the lone U.S. military facility remaining in Greece. The Souda Bay naval base serves as an intelligence center for operations in the Middle East, the Balkans and the Mediterranean Sea. Most of the U.S. athletics team plans to move to the Olympic Village in Athens just before the opening ceremony.

        Beitragsanzahl: 211

        Trotzalledem hat die griechische Regierung fremde Sicherheitskraefte waehrend der Olympiade strikt abgelehnt. Die Regierung investiert in die Sicherheit waehrend der olympischen Spiele (eine Milliarde) Euro. Fuer mich der groesste Schwachsinn, aber wer weiss, wo viele Gelder hingehen{?}

          Beitragsanzahl: 3194

          USA wollen 400 Soldaten zum Schutz der Olympischen Spiele abstellen

          Washington (AP) Die USA wollen auf Anfrage Griechenlands offenbar 400 Soldaten zum Schutz der Olympischen Spiele in Athen abstellen. Unklar sei noch, ob die derzeit in Deutschland stationierten Spezialkräfte lediglich in erhöhte Alarmbereitschaft versetzt oder für die Dauer der Spiele nach Kreta verlegt werden würden, sagte ein US-Regierungsbeamter am Mittwochabend der Nachrichtenagentur AP. Die Athleten der USA sollen auf Kreta trainieren.

          Die Kosten der Sicherheitsmassnahmen für die Olympischen Spiele sind wegen erhöhter internationaler Anforderungen auf 1,2 Milliarden Dollar gestiegen, wie das griechische Finanzministerium am Mittwoch mitteilte. Die Sicherheitskosten lägen damit um ein Fünftel höher als zunächst veranschlagt.

            Beitragsanzahl: 211

            Wie ueblich, hat sich die Regierung ganz schnell gedreht und Karamanlis ist proamerikanisch, hat er doch dort studiert. Aber da sind wir bei dem Punkt Herbert, den ich schon angefuehert habe. 1,4 Milliarden fuer Sicherheit – der absolute Schwachsinn oder ist es Groessenwahn?

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